Friday, September 14, 2012

The Miracle Med?

So its been awhile since the last blog update. The last time I wrote Joseph had had a major meltdown. It took me awhile to get over the anger, hurt and frustration of it all. When we went to see Joseph's psychiatrist following that incident I laid the cards out that something needs to happen. I simply stated that how at this point in time and Joseph being 8 months into his program are we still having major outbursts that put him and others in danger. Joseph's psychiatrist suggested another medication, naltrexone. Originally used for opiate dependency they have started using it for people with problems of obsessive thought. The rational in how it could help Joseph is that if we lower his obsessive thinking we will lower his anxiety and therefor lower the incidents of outbursts. Many thoughts run through my head, Oh great ANOTHER medication however I am so desperate to help my son get better I guess I would do anything.
 So down the road we go again trying something new and so far its working. Since Joseph has started the medications he appears to be better. Its not that he is not still having struggles but he appears to be able to stop himself and process what to do before just acting out. Everyone is celebrating and part of me is as well however I am cautious. Joseph has a very long history of  doing amazingly well on a drug for a sometime and than poof its almost as though he's switched with a placebo. I just don't want to act as though this is the cure all till we have substantial amount of time behind us.
That being said Joseph did really well for about 3 weeks and than this past week started having struggles again. Now its not nearly to level hes been at but he still cant make it through a full day of school. I don't know if Joseph will ever reach a time he is fully functioning. I just hope and pray that when he comes home we have services in place to help us out.
Now for the neurologist. Well I think he was a very capable neurologist who did absolutely nothing! We spent 40 minutes explaining everything for the past 11 years of Joey's life to have him looked totally puzzled and than suggest more medication. He spouted of something about there being the possibility of some temporal lobe dis regulation something or other. Either way still no imaging. I just wonder if we will ever have the answers to Joseph or how to help him.
I know that Joseph has to start to process his life. I know it seems like a hard thing to ask a child to do but he has some major unresolved issues. Especially with his biological father. He still has an idealized idea of his dad. He will talk about him and acknowledge he has done bad things but in the same breathe he will talk about how he wishes he could talk to him. Its hard to handle. Joey calls Paul dad and there relationship is that of a father and son. I would never tell Joey what has happened I simply say that his dad loves him but he has made a lot of bad choices in his life and Joey needs good people around him and if when he gets older he wants to contact his dad he can do so. I hate that this is how it is but it is what it is. I hope Joey will continue to move forward with the loving family he has.
We continue to fight for our son in the hopes he can come home to us soon. I pray we can soon get to the bottom of his issues and treat them appropriately instead of the shot gun effect of treat it all and hope it sticks. We still have a long road ahead but maybe just maybe we are headed down the right path.