Thursday, May 10, 2012

Genetic Holocaust

The likelihood of developing bipolar disorder is many times greater in children with parents who have mood disorders. Researchers have observed that a first degree relative of a bipolar patient has a 13-35 % risk of developing a mood disorder. It has been consistently reported that the risk for a child increases significantly if a sibling has a mood disorder. That being said the psychiatrist have just diagnosed Christian. He started on Lithium last week. The bright spot in the sea of clouds is that the psychiatrist believe Christian is more of a "typical" presentation and not a severe as Joseph. Either way this sucks. The fear that we could be going through all this again. The fear that I will have another child I can't help. In all of this I am starting to question my own sanity. I am consumed with feelings of guilt, of every choice I have made as a parent. I get advice from everyone. Unfortunately it has come to a point that I don't think people even know what to say anymore. every direction I turn for answers I come up empty handed or with more questions. I am trying to put faith in the choices I am making and that the treatment or even diagnoses are right but the truth is I really don't know anymore. I feel so afraid and alone. I know that I have support from my family and friends and yet I feel a terrible weight on my heart that I am perpetually screwing up. Only time will tell I guess. Until I see positive results for both of my children I try desperately to hold on to hope that their lives will be happy and successful.


  1. don't ever let go of that hope!

  2. I can only imagine how hard this has been for you, then to think you have to go through it again. You are a wonderful Mother in a bad situation. Hang in there and don't give up. Your boys are so lucky to have a mommy like you, Just follow your heart and let God lead you.

  3. The more you are motivated by love,the more fearless and free your actions will be...You are obviously fearless Allison :)

  4. I love the title... genetic holocaust. I imagined what was going on with my family -- the genetic, epigentic, perinatal, etc. factors -- as "The perfect storm." In my case, it wasn't the parents, but the grandparents on both sides with the ... whatever ... affecting brain and mood. I felt sandwiched between the two generations, but at least our own personal experiences help us to help our own kids!

  5. Thank you everyone. Keep reading and passing on the education to others.
