Monday, October 8, 2012

Are we at baseline?

I had a disturbing thought the other day while working in mental health at the hospital. Far too often we have patients come in during crisis however there are no services we can offer because they are functioning at their "baseline". The more I thought the more disturbed I became about this situation. Just because someone with a mental illness is functioning at their baseline they are not necessarily functioning at a level appropriate for society. I again think back to many of Joseph's hospitalizations and subsequent discharges where his GAF score was no higher than 40. A GAF score of 40 may not require acute hospitalization but it does not mean that he is functional for society either. A panic fell over me as I thought about Joseph being in placement for the past 10 months and how we have progressed from where we were we still are not a level that is safe for him to be at home. What if this is Joey's baseline? What if he will forever be at a level not considered in crisis but not functioning? There are no more institutions for placement of people with mental illness who are not fully stable for society. What will become of my son when he is of age? I know much of this is forward thinking that I need to be wary of but I can not totally block out the fact that he will not be in residential treatment forever.
That being said I have yet another panic point. He will not be in residential treatment for forever. At this point us becoming financially stable is getting more difficult. Despite our best efforts I feel the court could have cared less about our situation and the child support amount ordered. That being said how can we get things where they need to be for Joseph? He can't come home to my father in laws house where we have no space for him and all his belongings are piled in boxes in the basement. How will that provide the stability needed?! Shit! I am so overwhelmed I just wish there was an easy way. I know I must take things one day at a time but on the other hand how can we be prepared for Joseph as well?
Well we keep moving forward than backward and over again. I watch with anticipation for Joseph to have a "breakthrough". We will get there someday..... I hope. Until next time. Thanks for reading and supporting us in our journey.

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