Monday, July 30, 2012

It was just supposed to be a dentist appointment

So Joseph had a dentist appointment today which I wanted to go to because he has some serious issues with plaque etc that I want to address. I went up to the facility and everything was fine, I rode along to the appointment since it was 45 minutes away. It was Joseph, myself and a staff member who works with Joseph regularly.
Joseph had a little issue at the dentist so I stepped out to the waiting room and the staff were able to get Joseph to calm down and finish his exam. However when he was done he left the office before the staff from the facility was ready to go. I told Joseph to wait but he went ahead anyway visibly agitated for some reason unknown.
We got into the vehicle and started to head back to the facility when Joseph began acting up, throwing things at me and at one point he grabbed the seat belt of the staff member driving trying to choke him. the staff tried to redirect Joseph but the efforts were futile. We pulled over to a gas station to try and get the situation under control.
The next bit is simply flashes of what I can remember from the chaos that ensued. Joseph got out of the van and went immediately for anything he could get his hands on. The staff member was trying to control the situation but they are limited on what they can do. Joseph was throwing rocks and anything he could his hands on at the staff. I moved to get out of the way and Joseph grabbed a clipboard ran after me and hit me with it in the arm as I tried to shield myself. I went into the gas station hoping to prevent further chaos but Joseph followed. He picked up and apple from the stand and from a foot away threw it at me striking me on the left side of my face, the apple burst and people just looked on horrified at what they were seeing. He went back outside and continued to throw things, even opening a package of water bottles displayed in front of the store. I felt trapped, if I went out of the store everyone and everything was a target but it was the same  in the store. There was no where to go but wait for the police to arrive.
People walking in and out of the store stared asking "what is wrong with the boy?"  what can you say to that?
After what seemed like an eternity the police showed up. five cars in all as we are quickly trying to explain the situation Joseph runs. It took several minutes of them chasing on foot and in cars before he circled back around to the gas station where a officer was able to get a hold of him. Joseph was fighting it so they placed him in hand cuffs and put him in the back of the car.
The officers gathered to try and understand what was going on and all I could do is stand there as if I was watching a movie. I snapped back to reality when the officers asked me to fill out a statement. One very kind detective had me sit in his car. It took every ounce of my being to concentrate on what I was writing. Each word was difficult to form. After some time I manged to had over a piece of paper that looked like chicken scratch. The officers stated at that time they were going to take him down to the station till they heard from the judge. The staff and I fallowed.
We arrived at the station and one officer called the judge. Given that Joseph is 11, he is already in a facility and is already in CSB custody they determined to release him back to the facility and forward the complaint to Miami county where his file is. We still had to wait for a supervising staff to come from the facility to the station to transport Joseph.
I felt a fool in the police station telling the officer that Joseph really is a good kid just with problems as she looked at me with the sad, pathetic look. I hate being this person. I fear I will one day be a parent on tv saying, he was such a good kid. I don't know at this point how Joseph will ever be a part of society. I have no idea what set him off or why he does what he does. I sometime just want to scream at him and tell him if you'd just knock this crap off life would be so much easier for you. I wish it was that simple, but right now I don't know what the answers are. I will just put this day away and keep praying this comes to an end someday.

1 comment:

  1. That's rough Allison :( I'm so sorry. I hope the doctors can figure a way to stabalize Joey's mood. Poor kiddo! I'm sure he is a sweet kid, with to many emotions and impulses to difficult for him to control.
